segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009

the museum of my life

The Museum of my life - Pure nostalgy

1 - Matchbox Toys - Ford Galaxy Fire car 1966

When I was six or seven , this was my favourite toy. I don't know why. I loved that car, the design, the colour... I used to have many Matchbox car series. The red one, was special, the colour, the american style...

CAUNY swiss watch

When I was nine years old, my brother offered me , for my birthday, a nice swiss whatch Cauny,a very popular swiss brand. I really apreciated that. I put it everyday, during several years.

3 - My acoustic guitar Yamaha

When I was fifteen, I have decided to work during my summer holidays to earn some money. During three month I've worked as an assistant both in the construction as in the vineyards, in my village. Three month later I could by an acoustic guitar Yamaha . I still have it, and sometimes, I play a little with my daughters.

4 - LP "The Wall" by Pink Floyd

I still have a long collection of LP vynil records, but that one remembers me the time when I was nineteen years old. I have very good memories. At that time it was very common to join each other's house to listen to the music and it was very common to find very good albums. We used to smoke a cigarrette and talk during hours about music. There was no MP3 or CD player but only Cassetes and Vynil records. " The wall " was a double album; it was very expensive. Later came also the film.

5 - My Dog "Negrito"

It was a superb dog. he followed me everywhere. It was my best friend. Of course I could never forget "him"

6 - My Horse " FURI"

You cannot imagine what I could do with my horse. He could follow me for hours if I gave him a a piece of bread, a carot or something sweet. My horse was a fantastic "garrano" an horse race original from Gerês and Galicia, very resistant, strong and speedy. My father has got him to work in the vineyards. We use to ride like mads. He was not very tall but very , very speedy.

7 - Switzerland

It is not an object but this country has contributed a lot for what I am today. I decide to leave Portugal to the country of chocolate . This was the best period of time (11 years). I decided to post a photo of just three month after mon arrival in the "alpage", in 1980. The alpage is up in the mountain. These places are normally covered by snow, in the winter for skying, but in summer this the place where cows come up to "enjoy" the tender green grass.

8 - MARANTZ Stereo Device

It's a powerful stereo Marantz. I have used it and still use it and, after 22 years. It really still works. Time to times I get up, a saturday morning, I switch it on and pass all my vynil records. It's good to to back in time.

9 - FIAT Ritmo 105 TC

This car was my first car. I bought it in 1987. This car represents perhaps, the best period of my life. I used to drive it listening U2, Simple Minds, David Bowie, among many others with a very loud sound. At the start it was speedier than a VW Golf.

10 - My NOKIA

The arrival of the mobile Cell Phone has completed changed our lifes. I remember the first Nokias and Ericsson mobiles. At the begining, they were very heavy, simple to handle, but soon the techique has improved and have changed the size and high capacity, multifuctions as Mp3, camera, Fm stereo receiver etc. My favourite Nokia was the first very small mobile. It was practicle, long lasting batteries and had very nice design. I still have this one at home.

Just for fun, please listen to the advertising about the most sucessfull mobile operator, TELECEL. You can see how it realy has changed our lives

quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009



The movie tells us a story of a young man called Jimmy. He lives in a small town, in England and he’s a MOD, sort of street gang.
It seems he has problems with his parents because he's lost his job in an Advertising Agency. One day, he found out that a school friend of him was himself a ROCKER.
One day, one of them has been attacked by the Rocker’s when he was with his girlfriend, in the street because his scooter was down.
To revange them, they have pursued the rockers. They have found one of them. It was Jimmy’s friend.


The Mod’s wear black taylor-made suits and black ties, drive italian motor scooters Lambretta or Vespa. They listen Soul music, Jamaican Ska, etc..The MOD’s means modernist. They like the future, the technique, what’s new, in music, fashion, they see french and italian films and they take anphetamines when they go to the clubs. Drugs give them “the energy “ to resist dancing all night long.

The Rockers, another gang, use grease in their hair, wear leather jackets and jeans. They ride Triumph motorcycles. While MOD’s represent the future, The Rockers they represent the after war period mentality, more conservative, they prefer Rockn’Roll music. They represent the worker’s class. They go the “caffs”, they drink and they organize motorcycle races.
Mod’s and Rocker’s, they hate each other, because their life’s point of view are totally different. They are totally antagonic. They were considered as the most important subcultures at the time.

Nowadays we still have reflexes on our young subcultures. We do have the Heavy Metall bands that have inherited the principe of the rockers and the groups of Hip Hop, pop music and electronic music have similtaries with the Mod’s.

Antonio Barros

AL 29876

Sarah Palin and the Americam Myth

Sarah Palin and the American Myth

1 - Sarah Palin comes from a little town in Alaska. A typical american town, where people use to live peacefully, living the american dream – to own a house, a car, having a gorgeous family, to go hunting or fishing, really living a good life that represents the middle class and the american dream. That’s the image used by the Republic Party since Ronald Reagan won the elections. Until then , the image of the american dream was not good. The war in Vietnam, racial problems in the most important and crowded towns, drugs, etc, have given their contribution to deteriorate the american myth.
Sarah Palin has been choosen by specific reasons: to restaure the idea of the american myth, to show to the whole country that the american dream still exists. Sarah palin represents it. Her husband is a “hunk” -elegant man- and she has gorgeous children. She has a good image, just that.

2 - Small towns represent the essence of the american dream. People live their “little lifes” without having economic problems. They reperesent the typical american middle class.
They just ignore the dificulties existing in NY or LA, or in other big american cities: social and racial problems or unemployment.
The Republican Party uses that image to show the “inexistant” American Dream. It is more a myth, but a good image sells more than a bad one.

3 – Barack Obama has african and american origins. He represents the new America that has not been mythologized yet. He represents a new Main Street with it’s multiracial and multicultural characteristics. A country looking for more justice, and creativity, and prosperity. But it has never been proved before. That’s is greatest dificulty.

Antonio Barros

AL 29876 LRE / E. Culture

"The Country" Test Summarizing

The Country

Text summarizing:

- A country is a geographical area where a specific people lives in, according with it’s administration, culture, history and landscape.
- England is organised by counties. Each county is devided in councils which represents the smaller communities.
- Some counties are delimited by the sea – Northern Ireland – by the mountains –Yorkshire – or by Natural Parks – Hamphshire.
- Some counties are known for their food, their animal breeds ( dog races ), their Mines or Industry.
- Recently, some counties have restricted construction in order to protect the landscape to promote tourism.

Antonio Barros

Nº al29876

The Neo Yuppies

The Neo Yuppies
(young urban professionals)
this subsculture has much to see with our time. It appeared recently in New York and spread quickly around the world and has reached Europe, Japan and Australia.The Neo Yuppies are real professional and pure workaholics.
They only look for high profit jobs in high-tech and companies or in the stock market.They’re addicted to brand new technologic and electronic gadgets as I'phones, palm tops, desk tops and other electronic devices .
They love expensive and stylish clothes + perfumes like Burberry's, Hugo Boss, Giorgio Armani, etc.
They drive powerfull and non polluent hybrid Lexus cars (the most advanced constructer) "The Neo Yuppies" prefer to live in new architecture – housing that includes energy saving systems. They like design furniture but they are pure minimalists. At work they prefere mineral water and cofee but when they go out they drink a lot of alcohol and take some cocaine. Normaly they get maried late because they like to "swing" with different women. The girls do the same with guys. So they love big parties in fashioned clubs because they love to meet beautiful people.In their cars as in the disco, they listen to pop and techno music.
Their rules are: they respect the law, since they have benefits in their business. They respect nature and like to say that they drive non-polluent vehicles and live in “clean” houses. They’re totally against wars and fight against Co2 and Ozone Holes. Instead of that, they can loose controle if they are not sucessfull in business and sometimes they can even practice suicide or, in some cases, when they aren't able to do that, they finish their days as… homeless
Note: see presentation in power point sent by e-mail

Antonio Barros - LRE - AL 29876